We are internationally active for you and are available during our business hours by phone and e-mail. Here you can find all locations and contact persons worldwide.

Your contact persons


Michael Kochem
Management Michael Kochem

phone +49 2335 84713

e-mail limoss@limoss.de


Kein Bild vorhanden.
Customer Service (Commercial customers)

phone +49 2335 84713-200

e-mail customerservice@limoss.de

Dirk Ludwig
Head of Sales Dirk Ludwig

phone +49 2335 84713-283

e-mail sales-de@limoss.de

Mirko Struck
Sales Manager Mirko Struck

phone +49 2335 84713-288

e-mail sales-de@limoss.de

Christian Licht
Sales Manager Christian Licht

phone +49 2335 84713-284

e-mail sales-de@limoss.de

Kein Bild vorhanden.
France Sales Manager Marc Vives

phone +33 6 26 48 36 87

e-mail sales-fr@limoss.de

Gotzon Odriozola
Spain / Portugal Sales Manager Gotzon Odriozola

phone +34 943 157504

e-mail info@limossiberia.com

Mauro Brusadin
Italy Sales Manager Mauro Brusadin

phone +39 34 97181648

e-mail maurobrusadin@me.com

Receiving invoices made easy

Please send your invoices to our company exclusively to the following e-mail address:


This enables us to process orders more quickly and ensures an efficient process.

Thank you for your support.


Reggie Haynes
USA / Canada Management limoss US Reggie Haynes

phone +1 662 706 3518

e-mail rh@limoss-us.com

Detrick Johnson
USA / Canada Sales Manager Detrick Johnson

phone +1 662 365 2200

fax +1 662 365 2205

e-mail doj@limoss-us.com

Kein Bild vorhanden.
USA / Canada Sales Manager Alex Calix

phone +1 662 706 1560

fax +1 662 365 2205

e-mail jca@limoss-us.com


Kein Bild vorhanden.
China (North) limoss Shanghai Inc.

phone +86 21 57622607

fax +86 21 37011080

e-mail shi@limoss.asia

Kein Bild vorhanden.
China (South) limoss (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.

phone +86 13326890232

e-mail sal@limoss.cn

Kein Bild vorhanden.
Japan Green Plus Co., Ltd.

phone +81 6 6351-8092

fax +81 6 6351-9744

e-mail niwa@gnplus.com

What can we do for you?

Whether for single or double drives, manual switches, wireless switches, controls or accessories - we will be happy to advise you on the selection of the right components for the respective requirements and develop the right system for your project.