limoss summer party – celebrate, win and have fun!

With a pleasant outdoor temperature of 26 degrees and summer music, the limoss staff came together to spend a nice afternoon with delicious food and refreshing cold drinks in a relaxed atmosphere. The tables and benches were set up in the emptied, decorated dispatch hall and the mobile drink bar provided pleasant shade in front of the hall door. A few table tennis matches were also played.

A highlight was our raffle, where there were great prizes to be won with every ticket. The main prize was really something special this year: the lucky winner will get a trip to the limoss plant in China incl. Chinese New Year celebration and cultural sightseeing!

We would like to thank everyone who participated in this day and our employees for their great effort in planning and organizing this awesome company event!

We are already looking forward to more joint events and enjoying the summer vibes in the future!

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